Medycyna Wet. 57 (9), 617-696, 2001


The participation of endothelins in physiological and pathological processes Madej J.A. [digitized ] 630
Cisapride – pharmacological properties and application perspectives in the veterinary practice. Experimental studies Romański K., Sławuta P.,
Jankowski M.
[digitized ] 634
Metastrongylosis as an agent in the population decrease of wild boars Houszka M. [digitized ] 638
Current clinical and diagnostic problems of toxoplasmosis in carnivores Śmielewska-Łoś E., Klimentowski S., Pacoń J. [digitized ] 641


Occurence of enterotoxigenic staphylococci in raw milk Bystroń J., Kosek-Paszkowska K., Molenda J. [digitized ] 645
Evaluation of milk composition and yield in active populations of Black-White and Red-White primiparous cows in Poland Kuczaj M. [digitized ] 649
Influence of fingers disorders on reproduction system and udder salubrity in cows Twardoń J., Samborski Z., Dejneka G.J., Dzięcioł M. [digitized ] 653
Abdominal herniotomy as an alternative method of inguinal hernia treatment for stallions Plocki K. A. v., Furkert-Korsa B., Gierek A. [digitized ] 658
Feline corneal sequestrum Kiełbowicz Z. [digitized ] 662
The use of permanent pacemakers – endocardial catheter method Skrzypczak P., Pasławska U., Niedzielski D., Pasławski R., Nicpoń J. [digitized ] 667
Phenotypic characteristics of Salmonella Gallinarum and Salmonella Pullorum isolated from layers Wieliczko A., Kuczkowski M., Chmielewski R.,
Mazurkiewicz M., Ugorski M.
[digitized ] 671
The influence of ACTH on the RS of nuclei and acid phosphatase activity in blood lymphocytes of immunized chickens Pliszczak-Król A. [digitized ] 676
. Iron parameters in the blood serum of suckling pigs after oral treatment with ferrous fumarate Kołacz R., Bodak E., Dolińska B., Dobrzański Z.,
Ryszka F
[digitized ] 680
Blood biochemical indices in geese with amyloidosis Gaweł A., Kotoński B., Mazurkiewicz M., Cholewa J. [digitized ] 687
Investigations on the effect of evening primrose seeds (Oenothera paradoxa) on the methane production by ovine rumen contents Zawadzki W.,
Wincewicz E., Borodulin-Nadzieja L.
[digitized ] 690