Med. Weter. 77 (1), 1-56, 2021

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Role of „oncobacteria” in the oncogenesis – the selected examples Madej J.A. [ summary ] 5
Early embryonic death in mares: the causes, diagnosis and prevention Kozdrowski R., Omyła K. [ summary ] 9


Normal QT interval in Ukrainian riding horses at rest and during exercise Popadiuk B., Holopura S.[ summary ] 16
Field evaluation of garlic extract and probiotic cultures efficacy for ... Satora M., Rząsa A., Rypuła K., Płoneczka-Janeczko K.[ summary ] 21
Comparison of Neuroglobin distribution and expression between the retina ... Du X., Blackar Mawolo J., Liu X. [ summary ] 30
Parazytofauna wewnętrzna wydr w Parku Narodowym Bory Tucholskie Górski P., Lubińska K, Karabowicz J., Bartosik J., Zygner W. [ summary ] 39


Squamous cell carcinoma of an eyelid in a horse - case report Górski K., et al.[ summary ] 44


European Association of Fish Pathologists Naumowicz K., Terech-Majewska E., Wąsowicz K., Siwicki A.K. [ summary ] 51