Med. Weter. 77 (3), 113-164, 20211

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Wild boar behaviour and the epidemiological significance of this animal species ... Tarasiuk K., et al. [ summary ] 115
Application of thermography in equine veterinary medicine practice Godlewska M., et al. [ summary ] 121
Causes of poisoning in companion animals in Europe Leśniak P., et al. [ summary ] 127


Investigation of distribution of Hemoplasma species and their relationship with clinical findings in domestic cats Celik B., et al. [ summary ] 132
Use of magnetic field in equine physiotherapy Jastrzębska E. [ summary ] 137
Comparison of neuroglobin distribution and expression between the retina of adult yak and cattle DU X., et al. [ summary ] 142
Index selection of Kazakh karakul sur type sheep with platinum shades Dyusegaliyev M., et al. [ summary ] 149
Effect of feed supplementation on growth performance andplasma minerals and metabolites... Martínez M., et al. [ summary ] 154


Case of congenital porencephaly complicated by central diabetes insipidus in a dog Haydardedeoğlu A.E., et al. [ summary ] 157


Polish people – the founders of veterinary education in Eastern Ukraine (XIX -beginning of the XX century)... Zhvanko L., et al. [ summary ] 160