Med. Weter. 77 (7), 323-372, 2021
Research on factors that influence the course of canine parvovirus Wójcik A., et al. [ summary ] 325
Seroprevalence of Q-Fever in sheep and goats from the northeast Anatolian region Bagatir P S., et al. [ summary ] 337
Specific humoral immunity in mink infected with the Aleutian disease virus (AMDV) and vaccinated against distemper Żmuda A., et al. [ summary ] 341
Analysis of the causes and effectiveness of whole blood transfusion procedures carried out … Wojtaś J., et al. [ summary ] 345
Determination of the time of death of dogs using atropine and pilocarpine in the early post-mortem period … Panasiuk-Flak K., et al. [ summary ] 349
Singleton And Twin Pregnancies In Red Maradi Goats: Changes In Maternal Serum Biochemical … Mbegbu E. C., et al. [ summary ] 353
Determination the prevalence of Salmonella spp. and S. aureus in meat products by Real-Time PCR … Irkin R., et al. [ summary ] 358