Med. Weter. 77 (11), 523-572, 2021
Feed as a mechanical vector in the transmission of swine viral diseases Mazur-Panasiuk N., et al. [ summary ] 525
Pathological findings in common foxes suffering from cardiorespiratory syndrome Noszczyk-Nowak A, et al. [ summary ] 535
The Effect of Twinship on Some Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Late Pregnant Ewes Yenilmez K., et al.[ summary ] 541
A descriptive spatiotemporal analysis of rabies in domestic carnivores and wildlife in 2012-2018 in Ukraine Makovska I., et al. [ summary ] 546
Pregnancy-Associated Glycoprotein Concentrations During Early Gestation in Pregnant Awassi Sheep Akköse M., et al.[ summary ] 563
Chemodectoma located in left atrium in dog – 11-month survival with the use of... Szaluś-Jordanow O., et al. [ summary ] 568