Med. Weter. 78 (2), 55-106, 2022

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Microbiological contamination of feed - current hazards and new challenges Goldsztejn M., et al. [ summary ] 57
Feline pulmonary nematodes; new challenges for veterinary practitioners Mizera K [ summary ] 63
Alpacas in Poland - health, welfare, and anti-parasitic prophylaxis Kapustka J., et al. [ summary ] 68


Association between a single measurement of progesterone and cortisol blood concentrations ... Probo M., et al. [ summary ] 74
Cardioprotective Effects of Fetal Kidney Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Doxorubicin-induced ... Yavuz O., et al. [ summary ] 79
Comparison of four methods of inducing pseudopregnancy in rabbits Syafruddin S.,et al. [ summary ] 85
Detection of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast DNA by Real Time PCR in hair of wild rabbits Ayuso-Sáinz J.J., et al. [ summary ] 91
Analysis of feed in terms of the presence of genetically modified oilseed rape Mazur M., et al. [ summary ] 95