Med. Weter. 79 (6), 259-318, 2023

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Occurrence of Salmonella in the environment Kwit R., et al. [ summary ] 261
Molecular background of the merle coat color in dogs and ... Szatkowska I., et al. [ summary ] 268
Gastrointestinal ulceration in dogs with portosystemic shunt Frymus J., et al. [ summary ] 275


Accuracy of CAD/CAM and 3D printing in the treatment ... Trębacz P. , et al. [ summary ] 279
Basic haematological and biochemical parameters of farmed red deer ... Tajchman K., et al. [ summary ] 286
Effect of inbreeding on the occurrence of genetic defects ... Bartnikowska A., et al. [ summary ] 291
The effects of vitamin E on T cell subsets and immunoglobulin-containing plasma Korkmaz D., et al. [ summary ] 302


Use of own stent construction as an alternative to partial cervical ... Witkowski M., et al. [ summary ] 309