Medycyna Wet. 60 (12), 1249-1368, 2004


Reproductive biology of wild boars Kozdrowski R., Dubiel A. [digitized ] 1251
Nutritional and prophylactic importance of zinc in pig production Grela E. R., Pastuszak J. [digitized ] 1254
Pleuromutilins action and use in animal therapy Kania B. F. [digitized ] 1259
Somatic cells in goat milk Olechnowicz J., Jaśkowski J. M. [digitized ] 1263
Enterobacter sakazakii – a new microbiological food-related threat Brużewicz S., Malicki A. [digitized ] 1267
Virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) Twardoń J., Sobieszczańska B. M., Gonet A. [digitized ] 1270
Flow cytometry as a method for sperm quality assessment Siemieniuch M. J., Bielas W., Dubiel A. [digitized ] 1274


Investigations of the properties of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum U-14 and Lactobacillus fermentum U-5 strains and their evaluation during the
Oberauskas V., Kantautaite J., Sutkeviciene R., Sedervicius A., Monkeviciene I., Zelvyte R., Ramanauskiene J., Laugalis J.,
Kabasinskiene A.
[digitized ] 1278
Changes in selected blood serum indices before and after parturition in mares – in English Özpinar A., Susut M. D., Firat A. [digitized ] 1283
Prevalence of canine distemper virus in lymphocytes and internal organs of experimentally infected dogs Rzeżutka A., Mizak B. [digitized ] 1287
Effect of Helicobacter-like organisms on the number of gastric endocrine cells in dogs Sapierzyński R., Malicka E. [digitized ] 1291
Diagnosis and treatment of cor triatriatum dexter in dogs Skrzypczak P., Pasławska U., Atamaniuk W., Nicpoń J. [digitized ] 1296
Recurrent corneal erosion of the anterior epithelium in dogs Kiełbowicz Z. [digitized ] 1299
Treatment of canine nasal aspergillosis with postoperative application of itraconasol Janeczek W., Ratajczak K., Janeczek M. [digitized ] 1303
Semen collection in tomcats using electro ejaculation Max A., Grabiec A., Garncarz M., Romanowicz-Barcikowska K. [digitized ] 1307
Relationship between the strained length of calving intervals, some reproduction traits and adjusted cow’s milk yield Strzałkowska N.,
Krzyżewski J., Reklewski Z., Dymnicki E.
[digitized ] 1312
Analysis of the usage value of Black-White cows imported from Holland and their Black- and Red-White contemporaries bred in Poland
Kuczaj M.
[digitized ] 1317
Milk yield and composition of primaparous cows managed in Poland compared with their dams kept in Sweden
Czerniawska-Piątkowska E.
[digitized ] 1320
Obtaining calves after transfer of the gene construct microinjected embroys Duszewska A. M., Wojdan J., Gawron W., Lipiński D., Piliszek A.,
Wenta-Muchalska E., Waś B., Słomski R., Reklewski Z.
[digitized ] 1323
Basic biomechanical terminology concerning horses Lewczuk D. [digitized ] 1326
Effect of dexamethasone and flunixin on blood serum testosterone, 17b-estradiol concentrations and morphology of spermatozoa in stallions
Danek J.
[digitized ] 1329
Isolation of equine herpes viruses type 1 and 2 (EHV-1 and EHV-2) from foals infected with Rhodococcus equi Bańbura M. W., Witkowski L.,
Chmielewska A., Tucholska A., Rzewuska M., Ruszczyk A.
[digitized ] 1333
Beneficial effects of peritoneal enzymatic lavage in acute pancreatitis Madej B., Łuszczewska-Sierakowska I. [digitized ] 1337
Correlation between the presence of F4, F5, F6, F17, F18, F41 fimbriae and the toxicity profile in Escherichia coli strains isolated from piglets
with diarrhea
Weiner M., Dacko J., Osek J. [digitized ] 1342
Mycoplasma haemofelis (Hemobartonella felis) – cats anemia factor Łukaszewska J., Popiel J., Zawadzki W. [digitized ] 1347
Residues of HCH and DDT in linden flowers, bees, drones as well as maggots and Varroa destructor females Romaniuk K., Witkiewicz W.,
Spodniewska A.
[digitized ] 1352
Original concept of experimental animal procedure a live-rabbit model of partial hepatic vascular inflow exclusion for experimental perfuse
Dróżdż M. [digitized ] 1354