Medycyna Wet. 60 (7), 673-784, 2004


Global distribution of Equine Influenza Purzycka M., Rożek W., Żmudziński J. F. [digitized ] 675
Short bowel syndrome in humans, dogs and cats etiopathogenesis, clinical signs and therapy Nicpoń J., Sławuta P., Jankowski M.,
Nicpoń J.
[digitized ] 680
Indications and factors influencing the success of the intravaginal insemination procedure and technique in bitches Niżański W., Klimowicz M.,
Dubiel A.
[digitized ] 682
Real-time PCR assay (r-PCR) for molecular diagnosis of Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli Osek J., Weiner M. [digitized ] 687
Milk protein polymorphism in cattle Czerniawska-Piątkowska E., Kamieniecki H. [digitized ] 692
Heligmosomoides polygyrus infection in mice – a model for intestinal nematode parasitis Cywińska A., Baś M., Schollenberger A. [digitized ] 695


Relationship of somatic cell count with milk yield and composition in the herds of Black-and-White cattle Juozaitiene V., Zakas A.,
Juozaitis A.
[digitized ] 701
Hereditary sex-reversal syndrome (78,XX; SRY-negative) in German shepherd puppies Świtoński M., Nowacka J., Skorczyk A., Chmurzyńska A.,
Niżański W.
[digitized ] 705
Gastric ulcers in dogs Kubiak K., Nicpoń J., Jankowski M., Nicpoń J., Spużak J. [digitized ] 708
Clinical case of tetralogy of Fallot a congenital heart defect in a dog Garncarz M., Czubek A. [digitized ] 711
Usefulness of fine-needle biopsy for diagnosing feline hepatic lipidosis Kajdasz S. [digitized ] 715
Comparison of selected Enterobacteriaceae strains using the PCR-RFLP method Skwark M., Nawrotek P., Furowicz A. J. [digitized ] 721
Influence of xantotoxin on the induction of apoptosis in lymphocytes of cattle infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV) Rułka J., Bogucka-Kocka A.,
Buzała E., Kocki J., Kubiś P., Dereń W.
[digitized ] 724
Identifying BVDV/MD antigens in infected cattle using the ELISA technique Otachel-Hawranek J., Króliński J., Kosicki M. [digitized ] 728
Clinical and biochemical effects of feeding on Energomag-200 on some metabolic disorders in dairy cows Stec A., Kurek Ł., Mochol J. [digitized ] 732
Influence of alpha-adrenergic receptors on uterus motility in rats Czerski A., Zawadzki W., Wincewicz E., Włodarczyk M., Cwynar P. [digitized ] 736
Influence of morphine and scopolamine on glutathione contents and activity of glutathione enzymes in mouse organs Świderska-Kołacz G., Parka B.,
Kołątaj A., Klusek J.
[digitized ] 739
Efficacy of doxycycline in multifactorial respiratory tract infections in pigs Żmudzki J., Szczotka A., Jabłoński A., Porowski M. [digitized ] 743
Correlating serological reactions for leptospirosis with environmental factors Krawczyk M. [digitized ] 747
Studies on the technique of semen collection and evaluation in pigeons Klimowicz M., Dubiel A. [digitized ] 751
Microbiological evaluation of poultry house environments as influenced by acidifying preparations added to compound feed Gornowicz E. [digitized ] 755
Influence of whole crop milk thistle silage on cows’ metabolism in a transition period Grabowicz M., Dorszewski P., Szterk P., Mikołajczak J.,
Piłat J.
[digitized ] 759
Influence of formic acid on bacterial growth during the ensilage of grass–legume mixtures Selwet M. [digitized ] 763
Use of whey for shampoo production Grega T., Bonczar G., Domagała J., Najgebauer D. [digitized ] 766
Distribution of cadmium in subacute poisoning in sheep tissues and organs Kaszyca S., Monkiewicz J., Solarczyk K., Illek J. [digitized ] ] 770
Influence of training on concentrations of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the blood of horses of different ages Stopyra A., Sobiech P., Zbanyszek M.,
Pomianowski A., Procajło A., Rajski K.
[digitized ] 776