Medycyna Wet. 62 (5), 481-600, 2006
Avian influenza: epidemiological aspects Samorek-Salamonowicz E., Czekaj H., Kozdruń W. [summary] 488
Pathogenicity factors of bacteria and efficacy of vaccines for swine Truszczyński M., Pejsak Z. [summary] 493
Microbiologic analysis of bite wounds in humans caused by dogs and cats Król J., Florek M., Pliszczak-Król A., Staroniewicz Z. [summary] 498
Consequences of the withdrawal of antibiotic growth promoters from animal feeding Grela E.R., Semeniuk V. [summary] 502
Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of recurrent equine airway obstruction Niedźwiedź A., Nicpoń J., Różycki P. [summary] 512
Comparison of growth parameters, yields and qualitative properties of muscles in broiler hybrids – in English Nagy J., Popelka P., Korimová L.,
Marcinčák S., Dičáková Z. [summary] 520
Marcinčák S., Dičáková Z. [summary] 520
Influence of litter size on histochemical picture of ewe oviduct during the puerperal period – in English Valocky I., Lenhardt L., Mozeš Š. [summary] 524
Effect of dietary L-carnitine supplementation on sows performance – in English Urbaityte R., Danyla L., Sedervicius A., Jeroch H. [summary] 527
Evaluating gastric mucosa inflammation in dogs and cats according to the Sydney System Rzeszutko M., Kubiak K., Rzeszutko W., Nicpoń J.,
Jankowski M., Dubińska A. [summary] 536
Jankowski M., Dubińska A. [summary] 536
Haemoperitoneum – review of clinical cases between 2003-2005 Glińska K., Bieżyński J., Nicpoń J. [summary] 540
Microscopic and histopathological estimation of autological and allological stored osteochondral graft incorporation into articular cartilage defects
in dogs Adamiak Z., Rotkiewicz T., Brzeski W. [summary] 543
in dogs Adamiak Z., Rotkiewicz T., Brzeski W. [summary] 543
Carcinoma of the esophagus in a dog: endoscopy and patomorphology assessment Sobczyńska-Rak A., Łopuszyński W., Silmanowicz P.,
Piórkowski J. [summary] 550
Piórkowski J. [summary] 550
Examining a tick population in order to detect Ehrlichia canis infection using polymerase chain reaction Płoneczka K., Rypuła K., Karczmarczyk R.,
Szenborn L., Stańczak J. [summary] 553
Szenborn L., Stańczak J. [summary] 553
Synthetic platelet activating factor (PAF) as a boar semen extender component Kordan W., Strzeżek J. [summary] 560
Association of the polymorphism of some genes with the occurrence of mastitis in cattle Sender G., Korwin-Kossakowska A., Hameid K.G.A.,
Prusak B. [summary] 563
Prusak B. [summary] 563
Biochemical features of Polish isolates of Streptococcus suis Szczotka A., Markowska-Daniel I. [summary] 566
Pattern and location of selected organic elements in bovine teeth enamel Miśkowiak B., Mehr K., Piotrowski P., Matthews-Brzozowska T. [summary] 570
Prevalence of fowl cholera in poultry and characteristics of isolated Pasteurella sp strains Kuczkowski M., Król J., Wieliczko A., Gaweł A.,
Schmidt J., Mazurkiewicz M. [summary] 574
Schmidt J., Mazurkiewicz M. [summary] 574
Optimization of protein recovery from cod backbone Skierka E., Sadowska M., Majewska J. [summary] 579