Med. Weter. 73 (5), 257-320, 2017
Clinical aspects of demodecosis in veterinary and human medicine Jańczak D., Ruszczak A, Kaszak I., Gołąb E., Barszcz K. [ summary ] 265
Sex-sorted sperm in farm animals: scale of use, the effectiveness of insemination, risk factors Jaśkowski B.M., Woźna M., Gehrke M. [ summary ] 272
Chloroquine treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in dogs Ural K., Gultekin M., Pasa S., Aysul N., Ayan A. [ summary ] 280
Molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis of non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus isolate obtained from a local respiratory outbreak
in Northern Turkey Yazici Z., Gumusova S., Tamer C., Cagirgan A.A., Akman A., Ozan E., Kadı H., Palanci H.S., Albayrak H. [ summary ] 284
in Northern Turkey Yazici Z., Gumusova S., Tamer C., Cagirgan A.A., Akman A., Ozan E., Kadı H., Palanci H.S., Albayrak H. [ summary ] 284
Vascular endothelial growth factor expression in dogs suffering from squamous cell carcinoma Sobczyńska-Rak A., Polkowska I., Gołyńska M.,
Szponder T., Żylińska B., Łopuszyński W. [ summary ] 289
Szponder T., Żylińska B., Łopuszyński W. [ summary ] 289
Morphology and morphometry of ramification of the aortic arch in domestic shorthair cats in the clinical aspect Barszcz K.,
Klećkowska-Nawrot J.,Goździewska-Harłajczuk K., Bełkot Z., Czubaj N., Sokołowski W., Dzierzęcka M., Jańczak D [ summary ] 295
Klećkowska-Nawrot J.,Goździewska-Harłajczuk K., Bełkot Z., Czubaj N., Sokołowski W., Dzierzęcka M., Jańczak D [ summary ] 295
Application of molecular biology in the studies towards genetically modified organisms used in feed in Poland Sieradzki Z., Mazur M., Król B.,
Kwiatek K. [ summary ] 299
Kwiatek K. [ summary ] 299
Effect of inbreeding and sex on rabbits meat quality Pałka S., Maj D., Migdał W., Bieniek J., Derewicka O. [ summary ] 303