Med. Weter. 3 (10), 625-704, 1947


Anorexia-caused in swine by a parasitic round worm Strongyloides suis and its treatment Stefański W. [digitized] 634
Brucellin P.S. and Mallein P.S. Parnas J., Stępkowski S. [digitized] 637
Histochemical methods for the demonstration of arsenic in cells Grzycki S. [digitized] 650
Epizootic disease “Dourine” in France in the years 1945 and 1946 Thiery J.P, Maćkowiak C. [digitized] 651
Materials for the production of the antygen for the Bordet-Gengou test for „Dourine” Stefański W. [digitized] 656
Statistics of Avian pestis (Newcastle Disease) at the Veterinary Institute of Hygiene (W.Z.H.W.) at Kraków Ratomski A. [digitized] 657