Med. Weter. 4 (11), 681-760, 1948


The control of swine erysipelas by preventive vaccination Trawiński A. [digitized] 681
Recent advances in immunochemistry Zablocki B.: [digitized] 685
Serological reaction in the diagnosis of Dourine Maćkowiak C. [digitized] 689
From the casuistry of WZHW (continued) Parnas J., Kawecki Z: [digitized] 691
Studies of the heredity of immunity against Fowl plague recorded in Poland Tekliński A. [digitized] 692
Foul brood and its distribution in Poland Kirkor S: [digitized] 695
Streptococcal mastitis in cows Chodkowski A. [digitized] 701
Simulidae Chrostowski T. [digitized] 706