Med. Weter. 4 (6), 345-412, 1948
Thrombosis of the pulmonary artery Eliasiewicz R. [digitized] 350
On the vitamin E. (Is it a so called symproline?) Giędosz B. [digitized] 355
XVI-th Session of the OIE from 3-8 May 1948 Trawiński A., Bida W. [digitized] 357
Experiments on the therapy of mange in sheep by applying Sulpur dioxide (continued) Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 363
Marginal notes on the production of anti-Swine erysipelas aerum Janowski H. [digitized] 365
Two rare cases of the isolation of Brucella abortus from the aborted fetuses of mares Szaflarski J. [digitized] 368
Bulls and Brucellosis Domański E., Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 374