Med. Weter. 4 (5), 281-344, 1948


Some critical aspects of pyometra in cows Runge S. [digitized] 281
On tissue’s eosinophilia of lymphnodes in pigs suffering from tuberculosis (continued) Zakrzewski A. [digitized] 285
On the vitamin E. (Is it a so called symproline?) Giędosz B. [digitized] 288
Dourine in Austria Gratzl E., Kress F. [digitized] 289
From the casuistry of WZHW Parnas J., Kawecki Z. [digitized] 296
The role of wild animals in spreading rabies particularly in the Gdańsk area Czarnocki A. [digitized] 298
Studies on the R and S forms of erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and serological methods for an early diagnosis of Swine erysipelas
Chwalibóg J.
[digitized] 301
Experiments on the therapy of mange in sheep by applying Sulpur dioxide (continued) Jaśkowski L. [digitized] 305