Med. Weter. 5 (1), 1-80, 1949


The Veterinary Service in the rea¬lisation of the country's three years plan Krauss S. [digitized] 1
Economical losses caused by Bovine brucellosis Jakubowski S. [digitized] 10
While scour of chickens. Diagnostic tests and control of the disease Marek K., Nawrocki J., Szaflarski J., [digitized] 13
A practitioner's observations on Equine infectious anaemia Waśkow E. [digitized] 24
Penicillin in diagnostic vacci¬nation of white mice on the presence of rabies Wiśniowski J. [digitized] 27
Should intestines infected by trichinosis be permitted in human consumption? Trawiński A. [digitized] 32
Experiments on the transmission through the embryonic circulation of the Trichinella precipitins from pregnant animal
to her offspring
Gaugusch Z. [digitized] 33
“Hindu vaccine” against fowl pestis Teklińska M. .. [digitized] 35
Production of Mallein Wołoszyński M. [digitized] 36
Stripping off swine skins Staśkiewicz G.. Cieśla E. [digitized] 37
The economical importance of sanitary institutions in Poland Osiński J. : [digitized] 42
Rational disposal of car¬casses and useless products of animal origin Wiśniewski H. [digitized] 45
Marginal notes on W. Stefanski's article “Polish parasitology in comboting invasive diseases” Wadowski S. [digitized] 48