Med. Weter. 14 (2), 65-128, 1958


Swine vibriosis (dysentery) in the Lodz district Gołębiowski S. [digitized] 65
Brucellosis among employees of the veterinary service in the Cracow district Lutynski R. [digitized] 72
Studies to determine the degree of virulence of Brucella abortus strains Żórawski C, Grundboeck J. [digitized] 76
Brucellosis in small animals (sheep, goats) Szaflarski J. [digitized] 81
Precautions to prevent the contamination of syringes Jastrzębski T. & Buczek J. [digitized] 84
Pneumococcal septicae¬mia in Myocastor coypus Godlewska A. W. [digitized] 87
The invaginations of intestines as a diagnostic measure in canine leptospirosis Michalski Z. [digitized] 87
Anaesthesia in the castration of males Klepaczko F. [digitized] 90
Some notes on the meningo-encephalitis eosinophilica suum Kuprowski M. [digitized] 92
Pharmaceutical Laboratories at Tarchomin begin to produce a penicillin ointment for treatement of Str. agalactiae mastitis Wojtatowicz Z. [digitized] 94
Neguvon — a new parasiticide for Hypoderma bovis and other surface parasites Kermen W. [digitized] 94
A case of melanoma in a horse Tymniak M. [digitized] 95
The removal of horns in cattle (decornisation) by means of electric method Christensen N. O. [digitized] 96