- Medycyna Weterynaryjna publishes reviews and original papers in veterinary medicine and applied biology. Review papers should not present common knowledge. They need be based on literature reporting the latest veterinary research, cited by indexed publications (with impact factors). Reviews that do not meet this condition will not be accepted for publication even if they satisfy all other requirements.
- The publication fee amounts to 550 €, provided that the paper does not exceed 20,000 characters and includes no more than 3 figures. For longer papers, the fee is higher, and it is determined by the Editors on individual basis. If the Editors are interested in the subject matter, the paper is sent to the reviewers, who evaluate it within 1-2 months. If the reviews are favourable and the authors have made the necessary changes indicated by the reviewers, the paper is accepted for publication. It is published within approximately 1 year from its first registration (DOI and full electronic version much faster), after the invoice for publication fees has been paid.
- Materials submitted for publication should meet the following requirements:
- papers should be typewritten in Microsoft Word or Open Office.
- all elements of the paper – the main text with the title, figures, tables, summary and list of references – should be included in a single document with line numbering activated and the option of continuous numbering selected. Photographs at a resolution of at least 300 dpi should be attached in the .jpg format.</>
- the page layout for the main text: margins of 2.5 cm on all sides, Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, no differentiation in font, such as underlining or bold typeface (italics are acceptable for Latin terms only).
- the list of references: Times New Roman font size 11, single line spacing.
- the summary: Times New Roman font size 10, single line spacing.
- papers are to be submitted electronically by e-mail in two versions. One version should be in the publication format, arranged as follows: the paper title, authors, authors’ affiliations, main text, list of references, first author’s address and academic or professional rank and degree, summary with the authors’ surnames and initials, list of tables and figures, tables, figures. The other version of the paper should include the same elements except those that reveal the identity of the authors, that is, their names, affiliations etc.
- Proper usage of the English language and correct spelling must be observed. All units of measurement should conform to the International System of Units (SI).
- Tables (labelled as Tab.) and illustrations (i.e. photographs and diagrams, labelled as Fig.) need to be kept to the minimum. They should be placed after the list of references and numbered with Arabic numerals. All tables should be drawn with single continuous lines. Diagrams and charts should be editable: they must not be recorded in a format that precludes edition, such as .jpg, .bmp or .tiff.
- The list of references should include only works cited, which are to be listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the first authors.
- with regard to online sources, the list of references may include only those papers that have been published in electronic versions of journals and have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), as well as those that are available in a digitized version. Other online sources should not be listed among references, but indicated where appropriate in the body of the text.
- each entry in the list of references should include the entry number, the authors' surnames and initials, the full title of the article in the original language, the abbreviated title of the periodical, the year of publication, and the volume number (not in bold), as well as the numbers of the first and last pages of the article, e.g. Ternstrom A., Molin G.: Incidence of potential pathogens on raw pork, beef, and chicken in Sweden, with special reference to Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. J. Food Protect. 1987, 50, 141-146.
- to maintain the alphabetical order of references, nobiliary particles preceding the first author’s surname (e.g., van, von, der, de) should be placed after his or her initials, e.g. Waals J. van der (Johannes van der Waals). This does not apply to the other authors, whose surnames should be left in their original order.
- in the case of anonymous publications, the abbreviation Anon. (anonymous) should not be used, and the other information should be provided as specified above. Verbal, personal, unofficial and online sources of information should not be listed among references.
- in the body of the text, a work cited should be referred to by its ordinal number in the list of references, rather than by the authors’ names. Bibliographic abbreviations for periodicals should have the same form as that on the cover of these periodicals. Bibliographic abbreviations for books should be provided in the language in which they were published: vol. (volume), p. (page); A transcription of the Cyrillic alphabet was published in Medycyna Weterynaryjna 9/1995.
- books may be cited in rare instances, only if they are not commonly known. The following format should be observed: the authors’ surnames and initials, book title, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, page number if necessary, e.g. Kowalski A., Nowak E. (ed.): Zarys chorób wewnętrznych zwierząt. vol. 1, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa 2011, p. 111. References to a chapter in a joint publication should include the surname and initials of the author of the chapter, chapter title, editors' surnames and initials, book title, publisher, place of publication, year of publication and page number if necessary, e.g. Muszyński A.: Choroby układu moczowego, [in:] Kowalski A., Nowak E. (ed.): Zarys chorób wewnętrznych zwierząt. vol. 1, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa 2011, p. 301.
- in the case of conference materials, the reference should include the authors’ surnames and initials, paper title, title of the conference, place of the conference, and, if necessary, the volume number, year, and page number. Doctoral and post-doctoral dissertations are to be cited according to the following example: Kowalski J.: Changes in canine blood chemistry after vagotomy. Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Life Sciences, Lublin, 1993.
- Along with the paper, the following signed documents should be submitted in the .pdf format:
- an introductory letter from the head of an institute or department sponsoring the study (if sponsored) (pattern)
- a statement that the paper has not been published and will not be published in another journal without the Editor’s consent (pattern),
- a statement specifying the nature of each author’s contribution to the study (pattern),
- an approval by an ethical committee if the study is based on experiments with animals .
- Original papers and review articles need to be provided with extended abstract in English. The content of summaries in both languages should be consistent. The summary should include the same elements as the paper: the aim of the study, materials, methods, main results and conclusions. It should also be accompanied by a list of three or four keywords.
- The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes concerning accuracy, style and abbreviations. All major changes will be consulted with the authors.
- The Editor does not publish personal acknowledgements.
- The cost of publication is covered by the authors or the institutions they represent (unless the paper has been commissioned by the Editor).