Medycyna Wet. 65 (12), 801-872, 2009


Nitrates III and V – their application and future in food processing Pospiech E., Frankowska A. [summary] 803
New legislation for coccidiostats in food of animal origin and feedstuffs Olejnik M., Szprengier-Juszkiewicz T., Żmudzki J. [summary] 807
Marek`s disease: selected aspects Samorek-Salamonowicz E. [summary] 812
Food enzymes and their sensitivity to high pressure Malinowska-Pańczyk E., Kołodziejska I. [summary] 817
Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides consisting of unmethylated cytosine-guanosine dinucleotides as immunostimulators for poultry
Szczubełek P., Szeleszczuk P.
[summary] 823
Clinical types of equine sarcoids Szczerba-Turek A., Siemionek J., Raś A., Platt-Samoraj A., Mikulska-Skupień E., Bancerz-Kisiel A.,
Szweda W.
[summary] 827
Contralateral pregnancy in cows Zbylut J., Czeladko J. [summary] 830


Morphology of the pulmonary valve of chosen species of free-living birds – in English Bartyzel B.J. [summary] 833
Influence of genotype on duck meat colour – in English Wołoszyn J., Haraf G., Książkiewicz J., Okruszek A. [summary] 836
Influence of citric acid on the inactivity of salmonella in meat poultry Radkowski M., Mikołajczyk A. [summary] 840
Effect of immunostimulation with methisoprinol on the hygienic quality of cows’ raw milk Piech T., Brodzki P. [summary] 844
Epidemiological analysis of canine skin tumors Jasik A., Reichert M. [summary] 848
Influence of body condition score before calving on calving course of Limousin cows Przysucha T., Grodzki H., Slósarz J., Gołębiewski M.,
Kunowska-Slósarz M.
[summary] 854
Effect of copper and magnesium on prooxidative-antioxidative status in the blood of cows in the transition period from deficient regions
Barszcz K., Badurek I., Kleczkowski M., Kluciński W., Gajewski Z., Jakubowski T.
[summary] 857
Eversion of the vaginal mucous membrane in the African elephant Kalicki M., Krzywicki Z., Krause I., Miśków M. [summary] 862