Med. Weter. 24 (8), 449-512, 1968
The investigations on the possibility of vital diag¬nosis of post-radiation autoinfection in slaughter animals Kossakowski S. [digitized] 449
The changes in protein fraction of sarcoplasma of herring meat (Clupea harengus membras L.) stored in ice, without ice and aseptic
conditions in 0—+2°C temperature Kołakowski E., Dąbrowski T. [digitized] 453
conditions in 0—+2°C temperature Kołakowski E., Dąbrowski T. [digitized] 453
The influence of the urea addition to food on tuberculin alergy Zalewska E., Krauss S., Spryszak A. [digitized] 462
The investigations on the occurence of Arbor viruses infections Lutyński R., Senkowska A. [digitized] 464
The opsonic and protective features of serum of swine immunized against swine erysipelas with adsorbed inactivated vaccine or nonvirulent
culture of Erysipelothrix according to Staub Sysa P., Romaniuk K. [digitized] 468
culture of Erysipelothrix according to Staub Sysa P., Romaniuk K. [digitized] 468
An appraisal of the sensitivity of some pathogenic animals bacterial strains to some antibiotics Chwalibóg J., Kozłowska T., Lisowska K. [digitized] 471
Some observations on enzootic streptococcosis in sheep caused by Streptococcus zooepidemicus Scheuring W., Kozłowska T. [digitized] 474
Investigations on the occurence and treatement on the hemorrhagic septicemia of cattle in Rawa Mazowiecka district Popławski J. [digitized] 476
The observations on the occurrence of idiopathic arteriosclerosis in swine Kądziołka A., Rubaj B., Nowak J. [digitized] 479
The behaviour of gamma-globulins in calf serum in herd suffering from bronchopneumonia Wiśniewski J. [digitized] 482
A pattern of the albumin of the honey bee hemolymph in phisiological state and some pathological conditions Tomaszewska B. [digitized] 487
Changes in reactivity of leucocyte system in progeny of mice fed with wheat treated with CCC (2-Chloroethyl-trimethyl amonium)
Grundboeck M., Bieganowska-Klamut Z., Ciemięga K, Kozera E., Leziak K., Ruszkowski M. [digitized] 492
Grundboeck M., Bieganowska-Klamut Z., Ciemięga K, Kozera E., Leziak K., Ruszkowski M. [digitized] 492
The observations on the occurrence of blood in vaginal mucus during the sexual cycle in heifers Rycerz W. [digitized] 494
The effect of large doses of kale on milk yield and on some other properaties of peri-pheral blood in cows of the lowland black and white breed
Czajkowski Z., Brzozowski A., Małecki J. [digitized] 496
Czajkowski Z., Brzozowski A., Małecki J. [digitized] 496
The investigations on the appliance of maximum doses of colostrum for calves Kaczmarek A., Furche K [digitized] 500
The evaluation of the state of cattle health in the regions flooded with sewage Hajduk Z., Jakucewicz S. [digitized] 503
A case of the embrionie displacement of liver cells into lung in guinea pig Roszkowski J. [digitized] 506
Field observations on the so called infectious ex-anthema of piglets and some methods of its treatment .... Bronkowski S. [digitized] 507
An attempt of the use of the Dermaphos (Z-50) in the treatment of helmintiasis in dogs Buchalski L. [digitized] 507