Med. Weter. 44 (12), 705-768, 1988


Functions of lysozyme in an organism Kowalska M., Rzedzicki J. [digitized] 707
Outstanding opinions on aleutian disease of minks Wróblewska M. [digitized] 711
The occurrence of Salmonellae in poultry in the Lower Silesia in 1978—87 Mazurkiewicz M., Latała A., Wieliczko A., Zalesiński A., Giebel O. [digitized] 714
Oral immunization of turkeys against red fever by means of the Orvac vaccine Krasnodębska-Depta A., Koncicki A. [digitized] 720
Infection of feline T lymphocytes with a feline lymphotropic virus (FTLV) Egberink H., Ederveen J., Koolen M., Lutz H., Horzinek M. C [digitized] 722
Epizootio logical studies on the invasion of Cryptosporidium sp. in cows in the large farms Kozakiewicz B., Maszewska I. [digitized] 726
Basic composition of offals in relation to age and species of animals Pełczyńska E., Prost E. [digitized] 730
Isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica from swine carcasses Maleszewski J., Jakubczak A. [digitized] 734
The occurrence and estimation of a dietary intake of arsenic from Baltic fish in Poland Falandysz J. [digitized] 737
Influence of final stages of technological process on microbiological quality of duck carcasses Leszczyńska-Fik A., Fik M., Dziekan E. [digitized] 740
Activity of lysozyme in blood serum of sheep in experimental hyperammoniaemia Lechowski R., Winnicka A. [digitized] 744
Trials to attenuate the results of thyreoparathyreoidectomy (TPT) in dogs — an experimental model of therapy Lenarcik M. [digitized] 747
Genetic manipulations with rumen mic roorganisms in order to improve of digestion processes in cattle Barej W. [digitized] 750